Deliver dynamic, client/server PL/SQL applications with expert guidance from an Oracle programming professional. With full coverage of the latest features and tools, Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming lays out each topic alongside detailed explanations, cut-and-paste syntax examples, and real-world case studies. Access and modify database information, construct powerful PL/SQL statements, execute effective queries, and deploy bulletproof security. You'll also learn how to implement C, C++, and Java procedures, Web-enable your database, cut development time, and optimize performance. This Book covers

  • Create, debug, and manage Oracle-driven PL/SQL programs
  • Use PL/SQL structures, delimiters, operators, variables, and statements
  • Identify and eliminate errors using PLSQL_WARNINGS and exception handlers
  • Work with functions, procedures, packages, collections, and triggers
  • Define and deploy varray, nested table, and associative array data types
  • Handle external routines, object types, large objects, and secure files
  • Communicate between parallel sessions using DBMS_ALERT and DBMS_PIPE
  • Call external procedures through Oracle Net Services and PL/SQL wrappers
  • Integrate internal and server-side Java class libraries using Oracle JVM
  • Develop robust Web applications using PL/SQL Gateway and Web Toolkit

Posted by JavaBooks on Wednesday, July 22, 2009


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